If you operate a check-cashing business or offer check cashing at your financial services or retail location, you want your customers to know you can help them. With a 5-foot or 12-foot check cashing feather flag outside your doors, you can keep advertising your services to passersby all day.
These flags from LookOurWay are a cost-effective way to advertise your services without the need to create your own marketing message or pay for custom designs. LookOurWay has everything you need to place a banner in front of your business so you can start drawing in more customers. Make your cash checking solutions more visible with a quality flag designed to last.
Check Cashing Feather Flag Features
Cost-effective, highly visible marketing solution
Durable knitted polyester material is UV-resistant
Feather flag stays fully visible, even with no wind
Portable so you can bring it inside after hours
Eye-catching green and yellow design with a dollar symbol and a mirror image on the other side of the flag
Flag comes fully designed for immediate use
Get a Check Cashing Banner Flag for Your Business
A banner is the perfect outdoor marketing solution to make your business more visible. At LookOurWay, we have spiked poles which let you anchor your flag into the ground as well as poles and accessories to set your flags outside on concrete or asphalt. You can even set your flag up indoors in a mall.
LookOurWay is your one-stop shop for all the banners, poles, and feather flag accessories you need to advertise your check cashing business. We provide cost-effective solutions which let you share your marketing message all day, even when you're busy serving your customers.
Order your check cashing banner from LookOurWay today for fast shipping right to your door.